Jambo! I am Mwangi Kamau

I am a Visual and Interaction Designer with a passion for creating delightful digital experiences. My journey into the world of design started at Mau Kustomz, where I discovered my love for understanding user needs and crafting intuitive interfaces.

At Mau Kustomz, I delved deep into user research, uncovering insights that shaped my design decisions. From sketching wireframes to crafting interactive prototypes, I embarked on a mission to make technology more accessible and user-friendly. Each pixel I placed was a step towards enhancing the user experience and bringing smiles to people's faces.

One of my proudest moments was designing an app for Gen Z travelers, born out of empathetic research and a desire to simplify their backpacking adventures. Through collaboration and iterative design, we created a solution that resonated with users and made their journeys more enjoyable.

Beyond the pixels and code, I believe in the power of failure as a stepping stone to growth. Embracing design thinking, I tackle global challenges with creativity and innovation, always striving to leave a positive impact on the world.

While my roots lie in International Relations and Diplomacy, my heart beats for UX/UI design. It's where I weave together my love for aesthetics, functionality, and human-centered design principles to craft experiences that leave a lasting impression.

Let's embark on a design journey together, where every click, swipe, and interaction tells a story of passion, empathy, and purpose.

©2023 designsbykamau